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A Vision in Worship

I came this morning to sit at God's feet. I came to just worship Him and to allow His words to wash over me. As I sat in the place of stillness, I began to journal my thoughts. The vision that unfolded took my breath away. The conversation unfolds below:

Good morning, Lord! I am here for you today! I place myself at your throne of Grace and come to you to hear and to obey. I love you Lord. What do you want to share with me this morning? So many things are going through my mind, Father. I see your finger touching the still waters of my heart and causing the ripple effect, the ripples go to every part of my body.

“My waves gently move the hindrances away. The ripples carry OUT what is not needed, the clutter…and what is IN (in the center) comes forth.”

My soul longs for you, Lord. My shield. My song. My portion…you are.

“I love you daughter of Zion! Your praise to me is sweet. I have put a new song in your mouth…a new melody of praise. Sing it forth and let it rise!”


“I wear your praise like a garment. No my strength does not depend on your praise for I AM power…I AM strong…but when my people praise me, it moves my arm of power on their behalf…and this excites me! It is why I am here! To move with and for my people! I am here for you and you are here for me…we move together. Your praise moves my hand, it moves my arms to act for you, to fight for you. See me clothed in the garments you have given me…dipped in blood working vengeance on my enemies…coming up from Bozrah (Is. 63)…I am able to act in mighty vengeance upon the enemies camp because my people partner with my heart in worship and praise. They declare me as the holy one of Israel and I am moved to act. This final battle of the last days will show forth my power because of the praise of my people...and I will arise in Zion like never before. My people will clothe me with strength…with the strength of their praise. Awake, awake o arm of the Lord they will proclaim and I will act. Their song will stir my heart, will stir the garments I wear and I will be moved from my place to where they are. This is what I wait for. I do it now, presently every time you praise me. I am moved by the sound of your voice. As your voices arise in worship, it is the cry of my heart to reply in power and mercy and strength. I will work against those who come against you as you praise and as you worship. As you lift me up I am filled with the songs of heaven…I am filled with the power of your love and I am able to move for you and through you. Your silence hinders my hands. It binds them up. But praise is the weapon that you are given to release the things of heaven upon the earth. You will fight best when you fight with the song of the redeemed on your lips. You are called to battle in this way, even today for the souls of the lost ones. You move me when you declare that I alone am God; I alone can save them. I will crush Satan under your feet as you lift me up and declare I am God. You move me, child. You move me my Bride. I fight for you.”

I see you dipped in blood, the garments you wear covered in them as Isaiah declares.

“Yes, I am fighting for you even now. Your praise is a surge of energy in the heavens…like a bomb that goes off and causes shock waves, so is your praise…the praise of one of my children causes major shaking in the heavenly realm. How much more so the joined praises of my body? It is an unstoppable force and it will not be moved from the earth. This is the power that will be released in the last day army. The power of united praise and purpose which will cause the shaking in the heavens and cause the shaking in the earth. Open your mouth and I will fill it! Says the Lord! I will do a new thing. Once again I will shake everything that can be shaken and I will do it through the mouths of my people in song, in praise, in prayer. It will be done, says the Lord!”

Then I release my song of praise to you today. I will not look to the left of to the right. But will keep my praise on you! Oh, Lord, my Lord! The shock wave of praise is similar to the ripple I see in my heart. This is a good, good word, God.

“What appears to you as a gentle ripple can appear to me as crashing waves. The spiritual eye sees differently…the spiritual eye lives differently. Do not discredit even the smallest thanks, even the smallest praise offered, child. In the heavenlies, it is much more.”


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